What type of services do you offer?
Although you will be able to arrange any type of funeral service to suit your personal preferences, the following types of services are those which would be considered traditional:
- Viewing, next day church service, followed by burial, entombment or cremation.
- Viewing, next day service at the funeral home, followed by burial, entombment or cremation.
- Viewing, service at the funeral home, followed by burial, entombment or cremation, all occurring on the same day.
- Viewing, church service followed by burial, entombment or cremation, all occurring, on the same day.
- Direct Burials with graveside services.
- Direct Cremations with memorial services held either at church or at the funeral home.
Is embalming necessary?
New Jersey State Law requires a body to be embalmed if disposition does not take place within 48 hours after removal from refrigeration. It is strongly recommended that a body be embalmed if a public viewing is going to take place.
What are vaults and graveliners?
Vaults are lined and sealed concrete outer burial containers which prevent the grave from caving in due to the weight of the Earth and cemetery equipment. They are designed to protect the casket by reducing the risk of intrusion of exterior elements. Concrete graveliners are outer burial containers designed to withstand the weight of the Earth to prevent the grave from collapsing. This gives the minimal protection and is not lined or sealed. We have a variety of outer burial containers for you to choose from. Our funeral directors can explain any further questions you may have.
Are vaults always required for Earth burial?
No. Each cemetery determines its own vault requirements. Some cemeteries do require vaults while others do not. Our funeral directors will inform you about whether or not a vault purchase is needed for the particular cemetery chosen.
Must I be a church member in order for a Mass of Christian Burial?
You do not need to be a member of a church in order for a Mass of Christian Burial to be celebrated.
What benefits are available to Veterans?
Veterans are entitled to a burial free of charge for themselves, their spouse, and one dependant child. The burial will be in the Gen. William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Arnytown, NJ.
We contact the cemetery, but they dictate to us when the burial will take place. We can only request a date and time. The cemetery has the final say as to when the burial will occur. The gravesite will be marked with a headstone supplied by the Veterans Cemetery. The funeral director can discuss all other benefits that veterans are entitled to receive at the arrangement conference. You also have the option of preregistering with the cemetery so that all necessary paperwork can be completed ahead of time. (For more information see the VA website http://www.va.gov)
What if the death occurs out of the state or country?
We will call a reliable funeral home in the place where the death occurred and make the necessary arrangements to transport the deceased back home where the remaining services can take place.
What can be done with the remains if a cremation is chosen?
Cremated remains can be put in an urn and kept at home, they can be buried in a cemetery, they can be placed in a niche in a cemetery, or they can be scattered at sea. We have a large variety of urns on display at the funeral home for you to choose from.
Do you have rental caskets available for viewings before a cremation?
Yes. We have one casket specifically for this purpose.
I live all by myself, who will take care of me when I die?
You can include your funeral wishes in your will and name an executor or executrix to ensure your wishes are carried out. If you do not name a person, the state will assign an administrator to handle your estate. To ease your worries, you can make pre-arrangements with the funeral home so you can be sure everything is in order and will take place smoothly when the event occurs.
Why should I make pre-arrangements?
Advanced planning allows families to consider options available to them without the burden of emotional stress, which accompanies death. The planning of a funeral can be overwhelming if not given forethought. You can take full control of your own funeral when planned ahead, relieving the pressure on your loved one in their time of grief.
(For more information see this article on the NFDA web site)
Social Security Death Benefit
The Social Security Administration pays a $255 death benefit upon the death of a person who has worked long enough to qualify for Social Security benefits, even if the deceased was not receiving benefits at the time of death. SSA will only pay the benefit to an eligible spouse or child. To file call 1.800.772.1213 and ask for an appointment with your local office. For more information, visit